About Ticker Fairy's Candy Bar

I'm sure most of you are wondering where the name "Ticker Fairy" has come from.. well let me tell you...
My Grandad Frank, AKA: Poppy Frank...
My hero, someone I looked up to as a child, and simply adored, my Poppy Frank was the best pop you could ever ask for, and I know a lot of people think that about there grandparents, but he really was "The Best"
Unfortunately my Poppy Frank past away when I was around 10yrs old, the news broke all of us, he was so important in our lives.
There are quite a few memories I have with him, and I'm very lucky to still have them. The best memory, and well the one that sticks out the most for me was when he took me and my brother to the Perth Royal Show, he brought us lots of show bags and we went on a lot of rides, when we got home we where unpacking our Show Bags, eating all the candy's, chocolate's. In one of my show bags was a Fairy outfit, I had the pink glittery wings, the magic wand, the matching skirt. I still have the glittery wings!!

So i would run around the house and yard using my magic wand. And from then on my Poppy Frank called me his little Ticker Fairy... Bless!!
Now your properly wondering, Why Candy?
Well my Poppy Frank owned a lot of different Cafe's and Stores and as kids we would always go visit him in his shops. He had a Lolli Shop (Candy Bar) we used to be able to just help our selves to as much candy as we wanted.. Spoilt Right? Hehe
I'm starting this business to make my Poppy Frank proud and carry on his legacy in owning my very own Candy Store.
Its emotional, hard and scary, but I'm sure he will be watching over me!!
R.I.P Poppy Frank
Love your little Ticker Fairy XOXO